Bed and Breakfast + pool and sauna complex

Bed and Breakfast + pool and sauna complex

2 n.
From 46 €
per person

Bed and breakfast


Bed and breakfast includes:

  • Accommodation in a selected room type;
  • Breakfast;
  • Visit to the swimming pool and sauna complex (1.5 hours).


For your convenience, in the rooms you will find:

  • Wi-Fi;
  • Shower;
  • WC;
  • TV;
  • Fridge;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Dishes;
  • Hair dryer;
  • Bath robes.



  • Children 0-4 years are accommodated for free, children include: breakfast, visits to the swimming pool and sauna complex, daily;
  • For children aged 5-16 living in a room with their parents, the price includes: breakfast, accommodation, visits to the swimming pool and sauna complex, daily.


Other information:

  • You can pay in cash (euros) and by credit card at the reception desk;
  • Resort tax is not included in the price. For a person from the age of 18 – 2 Eur/1 day, from the 8th day – 1 Eur/1 day;
  • We are sorry, but bringing pets to the sanatorium is prohibited;
  • Smoking is prohibited in the entire territory of the "Versmė" sanatorium, including balconies and rooms.

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From 87 € per person
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From 83 € per person
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